Be a #TahoeBlueGooder

You love Lake Tahoe and want to protect it, but your free time is scarce. No problem. Whether you're visiting for the day or live in Tahoe year-round, you can still Keep Tahoe Blue by becoming a #TahoeBlueGooder!
There’s no paperwork, training or hassle involved. All you need to do is leave Lake Tahoe better than you found it. Every single Lake-friendly action you take makes a difference for the health and clarity of Big Blue. Join us and live the Keep Tahoe Blue Lifestyle.
Act small or act big, but do it to protect the Lake you love.
TAKE THE TAHOE PLEDGE Care for Tahoe while you enjoy it. |
SEE TRASH, PICK UP TRASH. Make Tahoe litter-free. |
PACK IT IN, PACK IT OUT. Leave nothing but footsteps. |
KEEP THE CAR PARKED. Use alternative, Lake-friendly transportation. |
REDUCE AND REFUSE. Choose reusables and say no to single-use items to eliminate litter. |
SPREAD THE WORD. Post photos of your good deeds and others' with #TahoeBlueGooder. |
PRACTICE GOOD #SLEDIQUETTE Ditch the plastic sleds for a more durable wood, or metal one. |
Once you get started as a #TahoeBlueGooder, it will become your obsession. You can always deepen your commitment by volunteering at a League event, donating to support our work, or joining one of citizen science programs:
- Start a Tahoe Blue Crew and adopt a litter hotspot.
- Become a Pipe Keeper and help keep stormwater pollution out of the Lake.
- Set your Eyes on the Lake to keep aquatic invasive species in check.
Your efforts to Keep Tahoe Blue are more important now than ever. The challenges of the pandemic has made every effort to keep Tahoe clean and healthy crucial. As a #TahoeBlueGooder, you can set the example for others to follow.
For more #TaheBlueGooder suggestions, get in touch: